IS-2 "Revenge"

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This page is about the premium gift Soviet heavy tank IS-2 "Revenge". For other versions, see IS-2 (Family).
IS-2 "Revenge"
GarageImage IS-2 "Revenge".jpg
IS-2 "Revenge"
6.7 6.7 6.7
Show in game


The IS-2 model 1944 "Revenge for the Hero Brother" is a special model of the late-generation second variant of the IS heavy tank family. The inscription "Revenge for the Hero Brother" pays tribute to Nikolay Krasikov, who was awarded the honorary title "Hero of the Soviet Union." Mikhail, his older brother, carved it on the turret of his tank after his death. When the war broke out, Nikolay Krasikov was only 17 years old, and it was at that age that he decided to follow in his brother's footsteps and become a tanker. After graduating from the Armour School in 1943, Nikolay fought in the battles of Voronezh and the First Ukrainian Front. He distinguished himself with his acts of courage during the battle of Kiev. Nikolay and his crew were among the first tanks to arrive at Lutezhy village, where they destroyed one enemy tank, eliminated two enemy anti-tank guns, and killed up to 40 enemy infantry. Two days later, Nikolay's tank was also the first to enter Vyshgorod, where he destroyed three more enemy anti-tank guns and 25 enemy infantry. He also rescued an ally company's commander and led two tank companies out of danger. On November 11, 1943, Nikolay Krasikov was killed in battle at Vinnitsa. Following that, he was named a "Hero of the Soviet Union". After his brother's death, Mikhail carved "Revenge for the Hero Brother" on his tank, and later used it in Pomerania.

Introduced in Update 1.49 "Weapons of Victory" initially as a purchasable premium pack, the IS-2 "Revenge" provides improved protection compared to the early-generation IS-2. It is essentially an IS-2 model 1944 with historical significance. Additional metal meshes, which are available as an add-on armour modification on the standard IS-2 model 1944 to improve protection against some high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds, are sadly unavailable here. Nonetheless, it provides outstanding protection at its rank due to its uniformly sloped hull front armour plate. The 122 mm D-25T tank gun, capable of killing any enemy ground vehicle in a single shot, remained the main armament. Since reload speed remains poor, it is vital to make every shot count. Given its acceptable reverse speed, it is possible to play in "reverse" mode with the back of the hull facing the enemy, which can substantially improve survival during engagement.

It was discontinued after the 2017 Victory Day sales, later made briefly available for the 2018 Winter sale and then appeared for the 7th Anniversary Sale as a premium purchasable in-game for golden eagles (GEs). The IS-2 "Revenge" was again removed from in-game purchasing after the 9th Anniversary Sale.

General info

Survivability and armour

Smoke grenades
Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle
Armourfront / side / back
Hull100 / 90 / 60
Turret100 / 100 / 100
Crew4 people
Visibility102 %

Armour type:

  • Cast homogeneous armour (Turret, Hull front, Hull side)
  • Rolled homogeneous armour (Hull roof, Engine deck side & rear, Turret roof, Gun mantlet)
Armour Front Sides Rear Roof
Hull 100 mm (61°) Front glacis
100 mm (29°) Lower glacis
90 - 130 mm (9-25°) Top
90 mm Bottom
60 mm (49-50°) Top
60 mm (38°) Bottom
30 mm
Turret 100 mm (7-72°) Turret front
115 mm (cylindrical) Gun mantlet
100 mm (12-22°) 100 mm (5-35°) 30 mm
Cupola 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm Outer ring
30 mm Centre


  • Suspension wheels are 20 mm thick while tracks are 30 mm thick.
  • The side hull is stronger towards the front of the tank, with armour ranging 103 mm to 130 mm, while towards the rear is only 90 mm thick.
  • A 215 mm thick ring surrounds round the cannon barrel on the gun mantlet.
  • The turret ring is protected by an additional 60 mm of armour.


Speedforward / back
AB40 / 16 km/h
RB and SB38 / 15 km/h
Number of gears8 forward
2 back
Weight46.0 t
Engine power
AB992 hp
RB and SB520 hp
Power-to-weight ratio
AB21.6 hp/t
RB and SB11.3 hp/t
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 40 16 46 671 992 14.59 21.57
Realistic 38 15 460 520 10 11.3

Modifications and economy

Repair cost
AB3 282 Sl icon.png
RB3 397 Sl icon.png
SB4 653 Sl icon.png
Crew training10 000 Sl icon.png
Experts340 000 Sl icon.png
Aces890 Ge icon.png
Research Aces1 180 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
Talisman.png 2 × 140 / 200 / 220 % Sl icon.png
Talisman.png 2 × 184 / 184 / 184 % Rp icon.png
Mobility Protection Firepower
Mods new tank traks.png
Mods new tank suspension.png
Mods new tank break.png
Brake System
Mods new tank filter.png
Mods new tank transmission.png
Mods new tank engine.png
Mods tank tool kit.png
Improved Parts
Mods extinguisher.png
Improved FPE
Mods tank reinforcement ussr.png
Crew Replenishment
Mods smoke screen.png
Smoke grenade
Mods new tank horizontal aiming.png
Horizontal Drive
Mods tank ammo.png
Mods tank cannon.png
Adjustment of Fire
Mods new tank vertical aiming.png
Elevation Mechanism
Mods tank ammo.png


Main armament

Ammunition28 rounds
Reloadbasic crew → aces
27.1 → 20.8 s
Vertical guidance-3° / 20°
Main article: D-25T (122 mm)
122 mm D-25T Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Stock Full Expert Aced
Arcade 28 -3°/+20° ±180° N/A 11.3 15.7 19.0 21.1 22.4 27.04 23.92 22.05 20.80
Realistic 8.3 9.8 11.9 13.2 14.0


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
BR-471 APHE 205 201 182 161 143 127
OF-471 HE 37 37 37 37 37 37
BR-471B APHEBC 205 203 192 178 166 155
BR-471D APCBC 230 227 215 200 186 173
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
BR-471 APHE 795 25 1.2 19 246.4 47° 60° 65°
OF-471 HE 795 25 0 0.1 3,600 79° 80° 81°
BR-471B APHEBC 795 25 1.2 19 246.4 48° 63° 71°
BR-471D APCBC 800 25 1.2 19 192.5 48° 63° 71°

Ammo racks

Ammo racks of the IS-2
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
28 Projectiles
13 (+15)
27 (+1)
24 (+4)
21 (+7)
11 (+17)


  • The IS-2 "Revenge" uses two-piece ammunition, composed of projectiles (yellow) and propellant bags (orange). Both have separate racks.
  • Shells are modeled individually and disappear after having been shot or loaded.
  • Centre floor rack emptied: 11 (+17) shells.

Machine guns

Ammunition250 rounds
Belt capacity50 rounds
Reloadbasic crew → aces
10.4 → 8.0 s
Fire rate600 shots/min
Vertical guidance-10° / 60°
Ammunition1 890 rounds
Belt capacity63 rounds
Reloadbasic crew → aces
10.4 → 8.0 s
Fire rate600 shots/min
12.7 mm DShK
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Pintle 250 (50) 600 -10°/+60° ±180°
7.62 mm DT
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Coaxial 1,890 (63) 600 N/A N/A

Usage in battles

As the tank's design purpose suggests, the IS-2 is a heavy tank built with an emphasis on engaging hostile armoured vehicles as well as a breakthrough tank. The tanks heavy armour retains the similar properties of its IS-1 and previous KV line of battle-tanks but introduces some sloped armour on the front plate and turret mantlet. Differing from its IS-1 predecessor, the IS-2 comes equipped with the large 122 mm D-25T gun and a slightly more armoured but elongated turret. Although powerful, the D-25T main cannon of the IS-2 is encumbered by a slow reload time, mimicking that of the Soviet Tank-Destroyer line of vehicles at around the mid-20 seconds. Nevertheless, this vehicle with its powerful cannon and shell will commonly destroy almost all but the most heavily armoured vehicles with a single shot, behaving similarly to the older KV-2 predecessor, albeit with half the time required for reloading. At the tank's BR, the armour of the IS-2 no longer stands up to much punishment with the advent of opponents with more powerful weaponry, and caution should be taken. Close-quarters combat and brawling against more than one target at a time is highly discouraged due to the long reload speed unless the tank operator is trapped and situation requires this as an absolute necessity. Alternatively, if escorted and accompanied by other friendly tanks, the IS-2 can be supplemented and perform better in dire close-quarters situations.

If you are to apply bushes onto the IS-2 1944, consider putting most of them on the curved sides next to the upper glacis. You can even leave the upper glacis exposed, as it is very tough. This is because that quite some opponents will automatically target the curved armour, knowing that area is a common weak spot when the IS-2 is angling. By covering up these curves, it will cause some confusion and delay the enemy's reaction & aiming time, as they now cannot directly see where your curved armour is, gifting you a few precious seconds before they open fire. For any leftover bushes, the turret front and the lower front plate are also good spots to put them on.

General Gameplay

You will face the Tiger II (H) a lot, as well as much more heavily armoured vehicles such as the Jagdtiger, the Ferdinand, the T32 and the T95 (in an up-tier). These tanks are near-impossible to penetrate frontally, so you will have to try to flank them. The Panther II has become a less common sight since it has been removed from the tech tree. Otherwise, the gameplay remains the same as with the previous IS-2.

Overall, you shouldn't over-extend into enemy territory because your reload is still slow; you should play off your teammates and use your great reverse speed to get out of line of sight as soon as you have shot, or have been shot; you should have fun with the 122 mm gun that blows roofs off most enemies you penetrate. Flanking is best done in Arcade, while in Realistic you're better of setting up ambushes at a medium distance away from main pathways.

Arcade Battles

In Arcade, the IS-2 proves to be quite mobile when fully upgraded. This can be used effectively to get into superior positions to engage enemies early in the match when they haven't yet set-up camp in well-covered positions and/or presented their strongest armour. Thus, it's easy to gain a kill at the start of the match, if you are comfortable with the 122 mm gun.

Close quarters combat proves even more deadly in Arcade Battles because all opposing vehicles will be able to easily overrun a single IS-2, especially after it has shot and is now waiting through its long reload (> the 20s). Hence why it's advised to use your improved reverse speed to quickly disengage after shooting and retreating towards your teammates, who will likely be able to return fire. If the map forces you to fight in close quarters, attempt to get into a position where your teammates can cover your sides, while you can face forwards and clear the road. If the map allows, you can try taking 5 rounds of ammunition and camp at a capture point (usually one that's given to your team) to snipe all enemies that enter your line of sight while reducing your chances of blowing up at the first incoming shot.

In rare cases, it's possible to rush with the IS-2 and surprise lighter vehicles at a contested capture point in the early stages of a game. This strategy relies on the capture point being unpopular and being lucky to face only one enemy vehicle at a time. Some light tanks are unable to penetrate the IS-2 frontally, especially if they are from a much lower rank (e.g. BT-7, the Puma or the R3), so that's an added benefit of being a decently mobile heavy tank. If successful, the IS-2 can then flank to other objectives or advance to the enemy spawn to destroy another enemy or two. You shouldn't expect a lot of easy targets with this strategy, because it exposes your tank to potentially a lot of enemy fire.

Realistic Battles

In Realistic, the IS-2 begins to feel like a heavy tank. Its mobility is heavily reduced and its speed is outmatched by practically everything, mostly due to poor acceleration off-roads. However, this should be used as an advantage to gauge where the enemies are set-up, by looking where your teammates are killed from. You can then decide to return fire, although sometimes opponents don't show themselves until later in the match, in which case you should stay passive and try to remain behind your team's front lines.

Due to generally increased map size in Realistic, you will have to get comfortable with the bullet drop. There is an added benefit to that because the following IS-3 and IS-4M mount the same gun (as does the T-44-122, the KV-122, and the IS-6, if you have them), and T-10M has similar bullet drop. Now, the IS-2 performs decently well at longer ranges, but it will cost you a lot if you miss or don't penetrate, because the reload is so long. Often, you will need to rely on the rangefinder, the teammates or map knowledge to gauge how high you need to shoot, so it might be a great idea to take out another vehicle first (such as the T-44 or T-34-85) remember the distance and then take the IS-2 out. However, on larger maps, it is generally a better idea to take out other vehicles.

A more reliable strategy for the IS-2 is to camp nearby an objective and pick off any enemies who pose a threat. Just make sure to find a flat spot with cover, because your poor gun depression and long reload will be your death in hilly or open areas. It's also a good idea to target heavy enemies, because they are easier to hit, and also will likely pose a larger threat to your general team (e.g. the Ferdinand, the Ho-Ri or the Tiger II (H) ).

General Tactics

Although classified as a heavy tank and an upgraded improved design over the KV predecessor, the IS-2's armour will no longer hold up to its more common and heavier opponents of its BR. Compared with other vehicles such as the new German Tiger II, American heavy T-series tanks; most of which can easily deflect even the most powerful shots of the IS-2 unless targeted specifically and known weak spots. Because of this, it is recommended to always travel and fight in groups of two or more vehicles. The slow and difficult in the manoeuvring of the vehicle (especially in confined spaces) will more than once place the IS-2 in significant danger. It is recommended to field the IS-2 into a fire-support role, peeking over the shoulder of friendly, more heavier vehicles and firing a shot against the opposition in tandem.

Another significant note of this vehicle is the IS-2's considerably fast reverse rate, inherited from its IS-1 predecessor, topping at 17 km/h. During situations where engagement is expected, an unorthodox strategy can be utilized where the operator of the IS-2 tank re-positions the vehicle 90 degrees and drive in reverse with the rear-facing towards the enemy. By driving in reverse this way, the engine blocks make a crude yet somewhat effective shield to protect the more delicate crew members. As the fuel tanks are mostly stored at the front on the left and right side of the driver's station, the risk of fire and fuel-tank explosion is reduced significantly (but not completely eliminated) and thus, the tank is able to resist even the most powerful of shots. Be aware that more experienced players may attempt to instead fire at the more exposed turret of the IS tank and instantly knocking out the crew with a common APHE penetrating shell in this way.

In regards to shells, the D-25T cannon is also equipped with powerful High Explosive (HE) Shells which should not go ignored. Firing a HE shell with precise aim directly underneath the chassis of enemy vehicles were the armour, like on the top of the vehicle if thinnest, can cripple or instantly destroy said enemy vehicles. In rare instances, the HE shell of the D-25T is so powerful to the point two or more medium or heavy tanks close to each other can be destroyed with a single exploding HE shell.[1] Alternatively, the powerful armour-piercing capability of the D-25T cannon's APHE rounds has also been documented to knock out two or three closely sitting lightly-armoured targets with overpressure.

Differences between non-volumetric shells and volumetric shells hitting a Tiger I

An important note when engaging tanks, especially Tiger Is, is that, with the implementation of volumetric shells, you can no longer expect your shells to pierce through small openings or right past an obstacle. The large 122 mm calibre of your shells will result in it catching on an armour plate's edge very often, losing all of its penetration. For example, a Tiger I has some edges that can absorb your shell unexpectedly, despite having flat armour. Thus you must always make sure that where you are aiming at is absolutely free of obstruction, or it may result in a non-penetration or a ricochet. This can be seen in the diagram to the right.

Specific enemies worth noting

German Tiger IIs, Panthers will be common encounters at the IS-2's battle rating and rank, combined with the more threatening and heavier American T-Series tanks such as the T34 and M26. At this Battle Rating and Rank, more powerful British Tanks such as the Centurions will be encountered. As previously specified above, The IS-2 no longer retains its armour advantage at this BR unlike its predecessor IS-1 and thus, it is important to identify and fire on targets first before they do. In this rank, Tanks such as the Panthers, Tiger II and similar vehicles will be present with sloped armour, strong enough to even withstand the might of the 122 mm Shells of the D-25T gun. A common design flaw, however, is the turret of said vehicles, commonly being mostly blunt and flat and easy to penetrate. A patient and well placed aim and shot against these surfaces will destroy the target with no more than a single shot. Be aware that most opposition vehicles at this rank have the lower calibre and puncturing power than the D-25T of the IS-2, but come with an improved reload speed, a reload speed commonly faster than the IS-2. Japanese line of tanks at the same rank as the IS-2 is of little concern; their poor armour and armaments at the same rank will render them relatively easy to destroy.

Another specific enemy vehicle worth noting is the German Ferdinand tank destroyer. Most new players in Rank IV battles fielding the IS-2 may commonly mistake the front armour of the Ferdinand as appearing as thin as similar-looking tank destroyers such the Nashorn and are commonly caught unaware that almost the entire front of the Ferdinand consists entirely of heavy 100 mm and 200 mm plate armour, the largest being the fighting compartment located behind the driving compartment. Due to it being such a large target, many players including both IS-2 users and other vehicle type users alike will be tempted into firing at that portion expecting easy wins, only for almost all shots to be absorbed, even the powerful shells of the D-25T. It is recommended to avoid engaging the Ferdinand or ignore it entirely. If the opportunity arises, Ferdinand's weaker side and rear armour should be targeted (80mm).

Pros and cons


  • Incredible damage per shot usually destroys almost all vehicles in one shot
  • Considerably good speed for a heavy tank: around 40 km/h on road
  • Upper plate is as tough as the Tiger II's upper plate. Basically immune to anything that isn't HEAT or APDS.
  • Spherical shape of the turret armour can sometimes bounce poorly aimed shells
  • Very fast reverse speed at 15 km/h
  • Premium vehicle earns much more RP/Silver Lions per battle
  • Is a good flanker and ambushing tank thanks to its good top speed, armour, and massive gun.


  • Terrible reload speed. Getting into brawls with contemporary heavies like the Tiger II is ill advised.
  • Despite the good overall armour, has some serious weak spots on the turret.
  • Horrible gun depression. Hill fighting is nearly impossible without exposing the entire tank.
  • Has a massive, flat, and weakly armoured lower plate. All 6.0 and up tanks can slice right through.
  • Very small crew compartment. Any APHE shell that pens it will likely kill everyone in the tank.
  • Can't effectively side scrape due to its hull cheeks.



The IS-2 was an evolved IS-1 heavy tank after the 85 mm gun initially mounted on the IS-1 no longer became a firepower advantage after the standard T-34 medium tank was upgraded with the same gun into the T-34-85. Due to that, the IS-1 was discontinued in January 1944 and awaited further upgrade in order to put it back into its place as the heavy tank of the Soviet Red Army.

In late 1943, the upgrade of the IS tank began and the choices available were rounded down to two weapons, the 122 mm A-19 gun and the 100 mm D-10 gun. Both guns had their advantages and disadvantages in their specifications, the 100 mm D-10 had a much better armour penetration capabilities and uses a single-piece ammunition, the 122 mm A-19 has a better high-explosive round and used a two-piece ammunition In the end, the 122 mm A-19 (adopted as the D-25T) gun was chosen as the gun of the new IS tank due to larger supply of the gun available for use (the D-10 was a newly produced gun) and the better high-explosive round available. The better high-explosive round is due to the heavy tank's specification as a "breakthrough" tank than an anti-tank role, so it was meant to fight fortifications more than against armour. Nevertheless, against armour, the 122 mm gun proved a very lethal cannon against armour, having the capacity to knock out any German tanks fielded in the war, even the Tiger II, though the ease of knocking them out vary from their armour protection.

The 122 mm gun's two-piece ammunition was perhaps the gun's worst drawback, this along with the heavy shells and charges that it uses causes reloading speed to only be one and a half rounds per minute maximum. Even after some modernization to the gun including a semi-automatic breech, the rate of fire only increased to two to three rounds per minute. Another drawback of the gun was the size of the ammunition that the 122 mm gun uses, the IS tank interior could only hold 28 of such ammunition, which restricts the time the IS could last in battle before requiring a resupply. In battle, the usual distribution of the shells is 20 high-explosive and 8 armour-piercing rounds.

The finished IS tank with the 122 mm gun, first called the IS-122, was finally approved and renamed the IS-2 heavy tank, some were rearmed IS-1s from the factory with the 122 mm gun. The IS-2 tank, like the IS-1, was superior to the previous KV-1 tanks used in the Red Army. Production of the IS-2 started in October or November 1943 and by the end of World War II when production ended, a total of 3,854 units were produced.


The IS-2 tank hull was similar to the IS-1 tank, but the turret was modified to accommodate the larger 122 mm D-25T gun. The suspension was a torsion-bar suspension system and the tank was powered by a diesel V2-IC engine. The drivetrain and the engine were taken from the KV-1 tank, yet was considerably more mobile. The armour on the IS-2 was a 120 mm thick front plate sloped at 60 degrees with a small step in the front for the driver's hatch. This early version was produced from the initial production lines until some time in late 1944, where a IS-2 mod. 1944 version was modified with the front plate now a single sloped 120 mm plate at 60 degrees with no interruptions in order to eliminate shot traps and weaknesses in the armour design. This formidable armour is able to withstand the 88 mm shells from the Tiger I at 1,000 m out, yet the whole tank weighs less than the Panther at only 46 tons. Despite its construction, the IS-2 was still quite crude in quality and can have signs of being hastily built from the factories. This did not affect its battlefield performance greatly and the crude construction is merely a side effect of the fast production of the tanks to fill battlefield demands.

"Revenge for the Hero Brother"

The IS-2 "Revenge" is an IS-2 dedicated to Nikolay Krasikov, a recipient of the "Hero of the Soviet Union" award. The words "Revenge for the Hero Brother" was inscribed onto an IS-2 mod. 1944 turret by Nikolay's older brother Mikhail after Nikolay was killed near Vinnytsia, Ukraine on 11 November 1943. Mikhail used his tank to fight his way into Pomerania, Germany in 1945 before being killed in March 1945.

Combat usage

The IS-2 first saw action in early 1944 in heavy tank regiments, each with 21 tanks. Their role was to spearhead the offensives launched at each sector, breaking through enemy emplacements and supporting the infantry by destroying enemy fortifications, they were not meant to exploit breakthroughs and this role was given to the lighter T-34 tanks. Their first reported action was in February 1944 in Korsun Chevchenkovski, Ukraine. In the span of April to May 1944, an IS-2 unit of ten tanks in the 72nd Regiment have reportedly knocked out 41 Tigers and other heavy tank destroyers for the loss of 8 tanks. The German report on the IS-2 was that it was a very dangerous tank and Heinz Guderian stated that an IS-2 should be countered by at least a platoon of Tigers and methods are devised to fire at the flanks and weak points of the IS-2 tank.

The IS-2 was also an essential part of Operation Bagration in the Summer of 1944, most notably at the Sandomierz bridgehead in August as it fought back Tiger IIs and Panthers. Another battle with the 71st Heavy Tank Regiment had 11 IS-2s fight back a force of 14 Tiger IIs from the 501st Heavy Panzer Regiment at the range of 600 m. At these ranges, the only advantage the German tanks had over the IS-2s were its faster reloading rates compared to the two-piece ammunition used in the 122 mm of the IS-2. The IS-2 then saw service in fighting in Hungary, where they took on more Tigers and Panthers, and finally in the final battle at Berlin, where the 122 mm cannon proved very effective in destroying fortified buildings housing the enemy troop. Despite their heavy armour, the IS-2 in Berlin suffered a loss of 67 tanks due to the prevalence of Panzerfausts in the German troops, which are able to easily penetrate the IS-2's thick armour.

After World War II, the IS-2 production was replaced by the more heavily armoured IS-3, but the IS-2 stayed in service up until 1982 due to modernization efforts on the IS-2. This modernized IS-2 was named the IS-2M and were done in the mid-1950s. These modernization efforts added external fuel tanks and stowage bins onto the hull and protective skirts on the edges of the tracks. The IS-2 was finally placed into storage in the 1990s and were kept in reserves or sold out as scrap metal.

Like most of Soviet Union's military hardware, the IS-2 was given out to the Warsaw Pact nations as supplies. The IS-2 was thus lent out to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, China, North Vietnam, and maybe North Korea. Later in 1960, a shipment of IS-2 was also sent to Cuba, these were converted into bunkers and coastal defences as spare parts for the tank never made it to Cuba due to the US blockade imposed in 1962.

Archive of the in-game description

The 1944 model of the IS-2 with a straightened frontal component. The tank bore the inscription "Revenge for the Hero Brother." The inscription was dedicated to Nikolai Maximovich Krasikov, a Hero of the Soviet Union. It was inscribed on the tank's turret by Nikolai's older brother Mikhail. Nikolai was only 17 when the war began. He decided to follow in his brother's footsteps and become a tank operator. After completing The Armour School in 1943 Nikolai fought on the Voronezh and 1st Ukrainian Fronts and distinguished himself in the battles of the Kiev Strategic Assault. He and his crew were among the first to break into the Liutezh settlement, where he disabled one tank, destroyed two cannons, and eliminated up to 40 enemy infantrymen, laying a path for the offensive with his decisive and brave actions.

In the Novo-Petrovtsi settlement he destroyed four cannons and eliminated 18 enemy soldiers and officers while taking the elevated ground. During the battle on the right bank of the Dnepr the crew of his tank destroyed one enemy tank and eliminated 20 soldiers, then covered the Soviet infantry as they crossed the river. Two days later Guards Lt. Nikolai Krasikov's tank was the first to break into Vyshgorod, where it destroyed three cannons and eliminated 25 enemy soldiers. During the same battle he led two tank companies from the surrounding area and saved the commander of the adjacent company.

The commander of the 48th Heavy Tank Guard Division lost his life on November 11, 1943 in the battles for Vinitskie Stavni. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After his brother's death Mikhail Krasikov wrote "Revenge for the Hero Brother" on his tank and fought in it in battles ranging from Ukraine to Pomerania.



See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the vehicles;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links


Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (Челябинский тракторный завод)
BMP-1  BMP-1
Heavy Tanks 
KV  KV-85 · KV-122
IS-1/2  IS-1 · IS-2 · IS-2 (1944) · IS-2 "Revenge" · IS-2 No.321
T-10  T-10A · T-10M
Other IS Tanks  IS-3 · IS-4M
Tank Destroyers 
KV Derivatives  SU-152
IS Derivatives  ISU-152 · ISU-122 · ISU-122S · Object 268
IS-2  ␗IS-2 · IS-2 No.402 · ␗IS-2 (1944)
ISU  ␗ISU-152 · ␗ISU-122
See Also  Leningrad Kirov Plant

USSR heavy tanks
KV-1  KV-1 (L-11) · KV-1 (ZiS-5) · KV-1E · KV-1S
KV-2  KV-2 (1939) · KV-2 (1940) · KV-2 (ZiS-6)
Other KVs  KV-85 · KV-122 · KV-220
IS-1/2  IS-1 · IS-2 · IS-2 (1944) · IS-2 No.321 · IS-2 "Revenge" · Object 248
Other IS tanks  IS-3 · IS-4M · IS-6 · IS-7
T-10  T-10A · T-10M
Multi-turreted  T-35 · SMK
Other  Object 279
Lend-Lease  ▂MK-II "Matilda"

USSR premium ground vehicles
Light tanks  BA-11 · RBT-5 · BT-7A (F-32) · T-26 (1st Gv.T.Br.) · T-26E · T-126 · PT-76-57 · 2S38
Medium tanks  T-34 (Prototype) · T-34 (1st Gv.T.Br.) · T-34E · T-34-57 (1943) · T-34-85E · T-34-100 · T-44-122 · TO-55 · T-55AM-1 · T-72AV (TURMS-T) · T-80UD · Т-80U-Е1
  ▂M3 Medium · ▂M4A2 · ▂T-III · ▂T-V · ▂МК-IX "Valentine"
Heavy tanks  SMK · T-35 · ▂MK-II "Matilda" · KV-1E · KV-2 (1940) · KV-2 (ZiS-6) · KV-122 · KV-220 · IS-2 "Revenge" · Object 248 · IS-6 · T-10A
Tank destroyers  BM-8-24 · BM-13N · BM-31-12
  SU-57 · SU-76D · SU-76M (5th Gv.Kav.Corps) · SU-85A · SU-100Y · SU-122P · Object 120
SPAA  ▂Phòng không T-34 · ZUT-37